Goonhilly Earth Station is a large satellite communication site located on Goonhilly Downs near Helston on the Lizard peninsula in Cornwall.
On 23rd July 2022 a 60 years anniversary event was produced at Goonhilly, Cornwall next to dish Arthur. DroneSwarm are proud to have been involved with this amazing event.
Our team designed a bespoke drone show for Goonhilly in Cornwall and specially scored a piece of music for the event. Voice overs were added to help tell the story and capture the history and exciting prospects of the location and facilities.
Here are some photos from the test flight carried out on Friday 22nd July 2022. Unfortunately wind prohibited flying on the event day so the video was screened on the stage to the audience after UK Pink Floyd Experience performed.
What is different about Goonhilly compared to every other location we have worked at is it is classed as a HIRTA site in airspace maps. HIRTA means High Intensity Radio Transmission Area. Best avoided for any type of flying craft be it manned or unmanned. We planned carefully with the site owners to ensure a safe flight was possible.

The first dish on site – Antenna One (dubbed “Arthur”) was built in 1962 to link with the satellite Telstar. It was the very first open parabolic dishes and is nearly 26 metres in diameter. It weighs 1100 tonnes.
Arthur received its first video in the middle of the day on 11 July 1962. It is now a Grade II listed structure.
Goonhilly also played a key role in communications for events such as the Muhammad Ali fights, Olympic Games, Apollo 11 Moon landing, and the 1985 Live Aid concert.

For more information about Goonhilly visit:
For more information about Spaceport Cornwall visit:
We are based in Daventry but offer a service all across the UK and further afield. If you are looking for a drone show in Cornwall or anywhere else please do get in touch with us.
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