Being in the firework industry means it would be impossible not to combine this age old art of pyrotechnics with the very modern cutting edge world of drone swarming.
Fireworks can add a completely different dimension to drone displays whether they are fired from the ground to compliment colour LED drone light shows in the sky – or fired from the drones themselves.
Because we designed our unmanned swarming aircraft systems from scratch we knew exactly how we would implement fireworks on the platform. Firework Drone Light Display services were key from the get go in our development of drone swarming.
We have over 15 years of experience in the digital firing control system industry developing a range of products under the brand name FireByWire. This allowed us to readily produce a very specific and custom LED/firework control system operating over our conventional communications network.
This means we have full control of any fireworks on board our swarm platform whilst also being able to control the colour wash emitted. All of this to 1/1000th a second accuracy against any optional firework display or laser show on the ground.
We believe you won’t find that capability anywhere else in the world.
The full rainbow of colours can be displayed in any configuration or pattern:

Our experience in firework display design is at an international award winning level. We are a pioneer in the world of fireworks and it is through the wide range of in house disciplines that we are able to innovate new ideas. It is also this experience that has enabled us to safely integrate and offer fireworks in our drone swarm shows.
One very distinct effect we call the sky waterfall:

A stunning effect that can be displayed across many hundreds of meters and up to 120 in height from the ground. We are able to program movement and rotation as well as coloured tips by illuminating the drones at the same time:

When combined with a conventional firework display the audience reaction is amazing. Let us wow your audience with a Firework Drone Light Display.
For more information about our firework control system please visit
For more information on firework displays please visit
To discuss your drone light show please ring us on 01327 876 037 or use the contact page to drop an email.

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